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(808) 947-8900

It’s amazing how a beautiful smile can boost your appearance and your confidence.cosmetic dentistry

Having a beautiful smile can do wonders not just for your appearance and self-esteem but also for your professional and social life. A healthy smile can make someone seem more confident, attractive and successful. So, what does your smile currently say about you? If your smile doesn’t look as confident as it could be, our Honolulu, Hawaii cosmetic dentist Dr. Ken Yasuhara can help you change all that.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You

Is it time to reinvent your smile? Well, if you are feeling embarrassed or self-conscious about your smile or think it’s affecting your social, personal and professional life then it’s time to consider the many ways in which cosmetic dentistry can enhance and improve your overall smile to give you back the confidence we know you deserve.

Whether you are looking for a full-on smile makeover or you just have small issues that you want to tweak, our Honolulu dentist is here to make sure that you get the results you want and that you are proud of your new smile.

Common cosmetic dentistry options include:

  • Tooth contouring
  • Gum reshaping (for “gummy smiles”)
  • Dental bonding
  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain veneers

If you are dealing with any of these issues, this is how we can help:

Stained, discolored teeth: If your smile is dull and yellow thanks to years of smoking or coffee drinking, we have you covered. Our professional in-office whitening system can get your smile several shades whiter often in just a single one-hour whitening session. Before a special occasion, important event or big job interview, professional teeth whitening is a must.

Asymmetrical and uneven smile: Whether you are dealing with cracked or chipped teeth or you have some teeth that are just excessively long, cosmetic dentistry offers everything from contouring and reshaping to dental bonding and veneers to help give you a more even and symmetrical smile.

Crookedness and alignment problems: We can’t all be born with a perfectly straight smile but it doesn’t mean that we always have to get braces in order to get results. In fact, veneers can be placed over the front of your teeth to fill gaps, cover crookedness and crowding and give you a straighter smile.

Do you have questions about the cosmetic dental services offered in our Honolulu, Hawaii dental office? Are you ready to sit down with us and find out which treatment aligns with your needs and goals? Then don’t hesitate any longer. Schedule your consultation with us today.